Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Juicefast - Day 6 - Finished but not Quite

Can you believe it? I finished day 5! I decided to keep going and add in soups/salads and some good fats based on the recipes on rebootwithjoe website. I've had consistent energy through all of this and not having the highs and low crashes like I would from drinking caffeine and eating sugar. Day 5 I didn't have as sore a stomach as day 4 and the runs aren't as bad. I decided to go the market and stock up.

I was out getting a massage and went to my regular juice bar where I had a carrot-apple-ginger for lunch. After the massage I was hungry so I had a green salad. It was so nice to be able to chew again. I was eating like a madwoman and I'm sure the staff was watching me eat the salad. I was eating like I hadn't ate in ages.  The salad has cucumbers, red cabbage, and tomatoes. I used a vinegar dressing.

I really think that I have gained an appreciation of fruits and vegetables. The market is my new favorite place to visit now. I love looking at all the produce and selections available. Now I understand the 'Go Green' slogan!

On the way to the market.

Chinese men playing what looks to be some sort of checkers on the way to the market.

Just walking inside the market. It is basically one long row of a variety of stalls selling different things like fruits/veggies, fish, nuts, fruit, alcohol, etc.

Kale is found here. Yay! So how it works is that you pick what you want and they weigh it and then put it in bags for you. Most of them don't speak much if any English, so they put the price on a calculator. It is a good place to practice my Chinese :). I feel a bit overwhelmed with all of the choices. Don't you love this place?

Kale middle right spotted. Aha! 

I've befriended a few vendors and often go where I can get Kale and most other veggies I like. Farther down the line you have fruit vendors. 

All in all a great day at the market. I ended up getting caught in the rain on the way back, but I was stocked up for another few days at least. Bring on day 6 and beyond.

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