Monday, September 28, 2015

Juicefast - Day 3 - Please Day Be Over With

Today was pretty rough. I woke up feeling sore with a fog and a slight headache coming on. I had a massage yesterday that used dry brushing which is supposed to be good for detox. I believe the Chinese are using a much harder brush than what is normally supposed to be used for dry brushing. Anyway I woke up sore and wondering if it really was time to get up.

I ploughed through the day and started to feel better later in the day. Talk about running to the bathroom most of the day. The runs have started and my butt isn't happy with the acid and toxins it is getting rid of it.

I ended up walking to a store as I was out of apples. The walk made me feel better, thank God.
I had to turn down two social dinner outings. How can I go when all they will be doing is eating and drinking. Well the good news is I made it past day 3. From what I have read from other people who have fasted is that it should get better after day 3 or 4. I guess yesterday was the honeymoon period with the energy. I've decided to juice as long as I can. I may substitute one meal with a salad at one point soon, but that's about all the changes I will make for now.

Today I made a different green juice for lunch.

'Green and Protein Juice'

4 kale (Tuscan cabbage) leaves 
4 swiss chard (silverbeet) leaves
4 celery stalks 
1 lime 
2 green apples 
1 in (2.5 cm) piece of ginger 

*Makes 1 serving
I didn't have the swiss chard so I added spinach instead. 

These are the nutrients in this powerhouse of a juice. 

This juice is a super dark and leafy green juice that screams nutrients, energy and protein! This juice per serve contains 8.4g of protein, 280mg of calcium, 2g of soluble fibre (more than most breakfast products), 160mg of Vitamin C, 5mg of Iron, 0.6mg of Vitamin B6 (46% RDI), 157mcg of Folate (40%), 5mg of Vitamin E (33%) plus 150mg of magnesium (35%)!! Now that’s a nutrient packed juice, no wonder people feel it when they juice.

Green goodness in one glass. I still prefer the mean green which I had for dinner. 

For my afternoon snack I had 'Australian Gold'. Yum! This is one of my favorite juices. Loving the colors of juices that I am making.

Australian Gold

1/2 Medium Pineapple
1 Yellow Pepper
1 Lemon
1 inch of ginger

After dinner I had a carrot, apple and lemon juice. I still prefer the carrot, apple and ginger, but it is definitely drinkable with a bit of bite to it.


2 Carrots
2 Apples
1 Lemon

So how do I feel? Slight head fog, diarrhea and sore stomach off and on through the day. I also had hunger pains throughout the day, but mostly in the morning. I'm hoping things are better tomorrow and not worse. I made it past day three!!!! I'm going to keep this going for most of the week. So another three or four days to go and then I will totally be juicing for a few meals and eating clean for the rest.

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